So Many Temptations

5 Ways to Be Healthy During the Holidays (and still enjoy your piece of pie)

Well, it's the season to be jolly, and this time of year is also full of temptations. So here are five tips to help you reduce holiday stress and overwhelm, enjoy time with friends, stay healthy, and still get to enjoy that piece of pie.

TIP 1: Hydrate & Nutrition: We are frequently dehydrated and our bodies are often in chronic dehydration. It’s especially important to hydrate during the holidays. When you are dehydrated, it can cause inflammation in your body. You will feel better, protect your body from illness, and experience less pain if you stay hydrated. Keep a bottle of water with you.

During the holidays, we tend to eat more than we would normally. It’s a fun part of the celebration. Paying attention and being mindful of what you eat can help get you through the season without the guilt. Good nutrition can also improve your mental health. Eating a heathy Mediterranean-style diet can help with your intake of the right minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that stimulate the brain.

TIP 2: Exercise: Physical activity is essential for staying strong and healthy. It boosts your energy, reduces your risk of illness and disease, and makes you feel better. Exercise releases neurotransmitters and endorphins, which create feeling of happiness and elation.

TIP 3: Change Your Thinking: Cognitive distortions like “Black and White thinking” or “All or Nothing Thinking” are common. Saying things like “Everything is terrible; nothing ever good happens to me.” is an example of distorted thinking. Building your resilience and noticing how you are framing your perspective of what is going on can help reduce stress. Life happens in the grey area.

TIP 4: Plan for Yourself: The holidays can be a wonderful time, but they can also be stressful and draining. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and not leave any time for yourself. It’s important to take care of yourself. 61% of Americans would do almost anything for more “me” time, but also 70% of those same people admit to putting themselves on hold when things get hectic. Carve some time out for yourself. Your personal time is essential for recharging and avoiding burnout. Be sure you get enough sleep, take a long shower, go for short walks and get out in nature, or meditate and try listening to relaxing music.

TIP 5: Celebrate the Moment: Be present in how you celebrate the holidays. Pay attention to what the true meaning is for you and be intentional. Embrace the season in a mindful and safe manner. You don’t have to make grand gestures or go overboard, if you don’t have time or money. Indulge yourself in the simple pleasures. Make those memories together with family and friends. Enjoy the little moments. Your health is a journey, not a destination.

Ailm Medical in Collaboration with Amputee Coalition presented: So Many Temptations … 5 Ways to be Healthy During the Holidays.

View the full webinar here.


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